Oct 23, 2017

Feel the Weight

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

A few years ago The Great Hunt for God team I led was discussing men and their purpose in life. One seventy-plus year old man spoke up, “I’ve been a Christian for over forty years and I have no idea what my purpose is.”
The room fell silent, saddened by the tragedy that was his life. Jesus came to give life and purpose not to drift aimlessly down the river of time. Every man should have a sense of meaning—of mission. We weren’t created for anonymity but purpose.  We aren’t made to drift aimlessly but to carry weight, substance, and authority.
John Eldredge wrote,  “Let the world feel the weight of who I am, and let them deal with it.” This daily alert on my phone serves as a mnemonic motivator that on this day the world will feel the full weight of who I am and why I am here. And if they don’t like it, it’s their problem not mine
My full weight comes from the four to six core values I live by. Steven Covey, in the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, calls values Big Rocks. 
Imagine equal amounts of water, sand, small rocks, and big (baseball-sized) rocks. The pitcher represents one day in your life. The equal substances represent the things that fill your day. Big rocks represent your highest-ranking values. Values are functional over form. They represent our actions, not our words or desires. Personal examples are faith, marriage, family, health, the adventurous life, and relationships. 
Smaller rocks represent daily tasks that (hopefully) align with my values. Essentially, it’s my to-do list.
Sand represents those things I don’t have to do, but must do at some point in the near future like mow the lawn, wash the car, or clean the garage. 
Water represents things I enjoy but serve no real purpose other than leisure such as watch television, social media, read a fiction book, take a spa, etc.
If I try to fit all four items—water, sand, small rocks, and big rocks—into a pitcher they only fit if I do it in descending order from big rocks (values) to water (leisure).
I decide what big rocks to live by. It’s my choice. I have the authority to select the four to six life-driving principles. I’ll drift when I fail to determine what they are, allow someone else to determine their core values, or veer off course. 
Are you living according to your values? Actions speak louder than words. Do you need traction in life? Is someone else controlling your destiny? Are you spinning your wheels with nowhere else to go? Get serious about your big rocks. Stop talking and start moving. Get out of neutral and get into gear.

Let the world to feel the weight of who you are.