Jan 14, 2018

Eight-Semester Rule

But now finish doing it also, so that just as there was the readiness to desire it, so there may be also the completion of it by your ability.  ~2 Corinthians 8:11

When I was living in California I heard a hilarious, yet troubling, story about the Valedictorian of a large local high school. The newspaper recorded his ingenious senior prank by finding a loophole in the District’s Valedictorian requirements. 
The class Valedictorian was selected each year upon completion of their seventh (of eight) semester. This gave he or she time to prepare their graduation speech, get approval from administration, and receive editing advice from select teachers. Once the Valedictorian decision was determined, it was final. 
The Valedictorian in question decided to do something unprecedented during his eighth semester.
He purposely failed every class, yet by the time the administration caught on to he devious plan the graduation ceremony was over and his speech had been delivered! 
True story. 
He finished with all the accolades of being class Valedictorian but finished wrong. The next year the Eight Semester Rule was implemented!
Quitters are at epidemic proportion today. I recently heard one Father excusing away his son’s athletic ineligibility by saying, “He retired!” Stop making excuses for quitting and Quitters and call it what it is. 

You don’t have to be the best. You simply have to outlast the rest, which is getting easier and easier in this era of quitters. Count the cost. If you can’t finish strong then refuse to start. Allow someone else to take on the task so those following your weak finish aren’t caught in the wake of your excuses.