Jan 22, 2018

Long Socks II

My lips will speak no evil, and my tongue will speak no lies I will never concede that you are right; I will defend my integrity until I die.
~Job 27:4-5 (NLT)

Let’s continue our conversation about the rope climb and long socks form our last entry and four things I learned about integrity in the process. First, without a solid foundation of integrity, a man will slip. He will get burned by his poor choices— rope burned in our illustration. He will experience pain. More importantly, those closest to him will be collateral damage in the wake of his slippage. 
Second, because I trusted the weak foundation (my upper body strength) I lacked the capacity to remain stable. With legs flailing in midair I lack the stability to climb under a shifting rope. I shifted without a solid foothold and came crashing to the ground for all around to see. It wasn’t pretty! I trusted the wrong foundation. I miscalculated. I misjudged. I was misguided. 
                 Life is a constant shifting. It’s unstable. Life is simple for a young man yet to enter the Stress Bubble of marriage and raising a family but becomes more complex once we enter it. People get sick. Bodies break down. Tragedy strikes. Energy diminishes. Careers change. Children are raised. We need the foundation of integrity to weather the many storms that threaten our foundation.
                 Third, my early attempts at the rope climb were a struggle. The more I struggled the less endurance I had. Even when I managed to muscle my way to the top, I was completely spent, not mention the rope burns on my hands on the way down! 
Does your integrity have the composition to finish strong? The strength of youth might get you there but will it keep you there? It’s the wrong foundation. Your charisma can take you further than your integrity will handle. I’ve seen this a myriad of times. 
Those lacking integrity will struggle. They may make money. They may have nice things. They may be “successful” but it’s a house of cards that will crash at the discovery of the wrong secret.
Do you want that life for yourself and those you love? Or, do you want to be the best version of integrity even if it costs you more income, success, or status? Choose the road less traveled. Choose the path of integrity.
There are no shortcuts to a life of integrity. Integrity is one choice at a time compounded over time. Ratchet you life into manhood one foundational moment at a time.