Aug 15, 2018

The Definition

Manhood is protecting integrity, fighting apathy, pursuing God passionately, leading courageously and finishing strong.
                                                            ~The Great Hunt for God
For a recent Christmas, I gave each of my sons a Model 119 fixed blade Buck knife. I chose this knife because of the Buck Family’s outspoken faith in Jesus Christ. Every knife contains a written statement of faith claiming Jesus Christ as their “business partner.”
Each of our knives has the definition of manhood engraved. The boys lit up with excitement as each opened his knife and I explained what it meant to be a man.
Knives are made for work. And it takes a lot of work to make a man.
Manhood is a moving target for a society that has systematically emasculated men. It is vitally important that men have a frame of reference for manhooda target if you will. Without taking two hundred pages to explain what each aspect of manhood means, here it is, “Manhood is protecting integrity, fighting apathy, pursuing God passionately, leading courageously, and finishing strong.”
Notice the progressive tense of the verbs describing each of the five points of manhood.
Manhood is progressive.
It’s ongoing. It’s a daily thing. Men can’t stop protecting integrity, and expect to be mature and complete.
They must continue fighting apathy and resist the things that will callous them.
Men must continue pursuing God through His Word.
Leading with courage is a daily battle for the spiritual leader.
Lastly finishing life strong is the sum of finishing each day strong.