Feb 12, 2019

Eyes Wide Open

He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success.

~ 2 Chronicles 26:5 

When my son Darby was a child we went on a short walk to a friend’s house, as I explained that it was the same as my morning prayer walk. He got silent, in deep thought, then asked curiously, “But Dad how do you pray and walk without running into stuff?” 

“What do you mean Son?” I wondered out loud.

“How can you keep your eyes closed for that long and never walk into parked cars and stuff?” he questioned. 

I burst out in laughter, and then explained that you can pray with your eyes opened or closed—God hears our prayers either way. Prayer can happen with eyes open or closed and while you’re walking, sitting, kneeling, or lying down. God looks at the posture of the heart. How could my son, raised in the home of a pastor, at ten years old, still think his eyes had to be closed to pray? 

Ouch! I took that one on the chin. Darby taught me lesson that day. Have I taken the time to do more than model my faith? Have I actually taught my three sons how to live for Jesus?

My sons will tell you that being a follower of Jesus doesn’t make you the perfect parent; nor does being a pastor. If you’re like most of our men in the arena, you are charging at life full speed ahead. Sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees. 

Slow down. 

Sit back for a second and look at the big picture. Where are your loved ones going? Listen to what they’re thinking. Guide and direct them. Like the arrow fletching, lead from the back. Like the broadhead of that same arrow, get out in front. 

Uzziah ruled Judah from sixteen to sixty-eight years old (62 years). What separated him from other kings of Judah? Uzziah had an older mentor, Zechariah the prophet who “instructed him in the fear of God.” 

Find an older man (or men) who wants you to win? Partner with him. Ask him to mentor you. Men need other men to lock arms with them. We need older men who’ve traveled ahead and will help navigate our way.