Mar 6, 2019

Carry the Heavy Load

“Their only duty at the Tabernacle will be to carry loads. They will carry the frames of the Tabernacle, the crossbars, the posts, and the bases.
~Numbers 4:31 (One Year Bible—NLT)

I love the story of paralytic’s healing after being lowered to Jesus by his buddies after they tore apart a roof (Mark 2 and Luke 5). Luke writes that “some men” (5:18) brought the paralytic carried by “four of them” (Mark 2:3). In other words, four carried him, others dug through the roof, and some broke through the crowd while others guarded the stairs. All we know is for sure is that it took “some”—more than four—to make this happen. 
            Where would you place yourself? My construction skill set is embarrassingly limited, but I can knock things down and carry heavy loads. I probably would’ve been carrying him, or blocking a way through the crowd.
            In Numbers 3-4 we learn about Levi’s sons, Gershon, Kohath, and Merari, and their clan responsibilities in the Levitical priesthood. There were 6,200 able-bodied 30-50 year old men in the clan of Merari, and they did one thing and one thing only. 
“Their only duty” was to “carry loads” (Numbers 4:31—NLT). 
          They moved things. 
          Numbers 3:36-37 tells us what, “These two clans were responsible for the care of the frames supporting the Tabernacle, the crossbars, the pillars, the bases, and all the equipment related to their use. They were also responsible for the posts of the courtyard and all their bases, pegs, and ropes.”
They carried heavy things. 
Can you relate? As a man, you’d better!
Men are made to carry heavy loads. Look at your body. Look at your focus. Look at your decisiveness. Look at that wonderful hormone; testosterone. All these are gifts from God for men. Generally speaking, these are unique gifts that God gives men.
Men are made to carry loads. My friend and the founder of Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conferences, once told me a great truth: “Men are made for pressure.” 
Men are made to carry loads. 
Did you know that in every country around the world, women outlive men? That's right, and according to a recent U.S. Report, life expectancy in this country for women is 81.2 years compared to 76.4 years for males. Studies say this is related to heart disease, but the rest is a theory. I’ve read conjecture from “experts” and am convinced that this is God’s design. 
Men are made to carry loads. 
It’s men who die in wars. It’s men who go down with the ship (read about the sinking of the Titanic). Men come to the rescue in times of tragedy. Historically, it’s been men who sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity. We see masculinity vilified today, but historically who falls on the sword when the chips are down? It’s the men.
Because men are made to carry heavy loads. 
The greater question is; are you carrying yours?