So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth. “For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.” ~Malachi 2:15b-17
Here’s an embarrassing story of when the wife of an Arena Man sent her husband’s contact info. Saving it to my phone, I noticed something disturbing that demanded immediate attention. I accidentally saved his contact info just as his wife had it in her phone, which to my horror was “#1 Husband”! Though impressive for his part, I figured it wouldn’t look good in my Contact List so I immediately changed it.
Laughing, I quickly warned his wife about sending out her “#1 Husband’s” contact info to others. She rapidly texted me, saying that my wife Shanna is saved in her contacts as the “Babe of Babes”!
That’s right! My wife is the “Babe of Babes”!
I shared my recent contact-saving experience with Dale Collver, our Operations Manager, who immediately got an alarmed look on his face. He went on to confess that he needed to change his contact information for me. A while back Shanna sent him my contact information, and holding out his phone it got a little awkward as I read, “Hunk of Hunks”!
I’m pretty sure there was a Man Card violation in there somewhere—for that, I apologize! I’m laughing as I type this!
I love Malachi’s warning for husbands to, “Guard yourselves in spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth.”
Marriages go through seasons—some are rockier than others. It’s during the tough times that we must guard ourselves and continue to love our wives well. Build guardrails around your bride. Build them high.
Like my “Number One Husband” friend Jake, make a decisive choice to love your wife especially during seasons of drought. Love is action over attitude. Love is sacrifice over sex. Love is humility over heartbreak. Love is covenant over contract.
Choose her every time. Choose the “wife of your youth.”She deserves it. Scripture demands it. She should know that she’s your most important person on the planet. Then—maybe—you’ll be her Number One Husband.